
The remme command is the usual way to interact with validators or validator networks.

This command has a multi-level structure. It starts with the base call to remme. Next is a top-level subcommand such as block or state. Each top-level subcommand has additional subcommands that specify the operation to perform, such as list or create. The subcommands have options and arguments that control their behavior. For example:

$ remme state list --format csv
usage: remme [-h] [-v] [-V]

Provides subcommands to configure, manage, and use Sawtooth components.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         enable more verbose output
  -V, --version         display version information

    batch               Displays information about batches and submit new
    block               Displays information on blocks in the current
    identity            Works with optional roles, policies, and permissions
    keygen              Creates user signing keys
    peer                Displays information about validator peers
    status              Displays information about validator status
    settings            Displays on-chain settings
    state               Displays information on the entries in state
    transaction         Shows information on transactions in the current chain

remme batch

The remme batch subcommands display information about the Batches in the current blockchain and submit Batches to the validator via the REST API. A Batch is a group of interdependent transactions that is the atomic unit of change in remme. For more information, see “Transactions and Batches!”

usage: remme batch [-h] {list,show,status,submit} ...

Provides subcommands to display Batch information and submit Batches to the
validator via the REST API.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


remme batch list

The remme batch list subcommand queries the specified remme REST API (default: http://localhost:8008) for a list of Batches in the current blockchain. It returns the id of each Batch, the public key of each signer, and the number of transactions in each Batch.

By default, this information is displayed as a white-space delimited table intended for display, but other plain-text formats (CSV, JSON, and YAML) are available and can be piped into a file for further processing.

usage: remme batch list [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]]
                           [-F {csv,json,yaml,default}]

Displays all information about all committed Batches for the specified validator, including the Batch id, public keys of all signers, and number of transactions in each Batch.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -F {csv,json,yaml,default}, --format {csv,json,yaml,default}
                        choose the output format

remme batch show

The remme batch show subcommand queries the remme REST API for a specific batch in the current blockchain. It returns complete information for this batch in either YAML (default) or JSON format. Use the --key option to narrow the returned information to just the value of a single key, either from the batch or its header.

This subcommand requires the URL of the REST API (default: http://localhost:8008), and can specify a username:password combination when the REST API is behind a Basic Auth proxy.

usage: remme batch show [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]] [-k KEY]
                           [-F {yaml,json}]

Displays information for the specified Batch.

positional arguments:
  batch_id              id (header_signature) of the batch

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -k KEY, --key KEY     show a single property from the block or header
  -F {yaml,json}, --format {yaml,json}
                        choose the output format (default: yaml)

remme batch status

The remme batch status subcommand queries the remme REST API for the committed status of one or more batches, which are specified as a list of comma-separated Batch ids. The output is in either YAML (default) or JSON format, and includes the ids of any invalid transactions with an error message explaining why they are invalid. The --wait option indicates that results should not be returned until processing is complete, with an optional timeout value specified in seconds.

This subcommand requires the URL of the REST API (default: http://localhost:8008), and can specify a username:password combination when the REST API is behind a Basic Auth proxy.

usage: remme batch status [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]]
                             [--wait [WAIT]] [-F {yaml,json}]

Displays the status of the specified Batch id or ids.

positional arguments:
  batch_ids             single batch id or comma-separated list of batch ids

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  --wait [WAIT]         set time, in seconds, to wait for commit
  -F {yaml,json}, --format {yaml,json}
                        choose the output format (default: yaml)

remme batch submit

The remme batch submit subcommand sends one or more Batches to the remme REST API to be submitted to the validator. The input is a binary file with a binary-encoded BatchList protobuf, which can contain one or more batches with any number of transactions. The --wait option indicates that results should not be returned until processing is complete, with an optional timeout specified in seconds.

This subcommand requires the URL of the REST API (default: http://localhost:8008), and can specify a username:password combination when the REST API is behind a Basic Auth proxy.

usage: remme batch submit [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]] [-v]
                             [-V] [--wait [WAIT]] [-f FILENAME]
                             [--batch-size-limit BATCH_SIZE_LIMIT]

Sends Batches to the REST API to be submitted to the validator. The input must
be a binary file containing a binary-encoded BatchList of one or more batches
with any number of transactions.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -v, --verbose         enable more verbose output
  -V, --version         display version information
  --wait [WAIT]         set time, in seconds, to wait for batches to commit
  -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
                        specify location of input file
  --batch-size-limit BATCH_SIZE_LIMIT
                        set maximum batch size; batches are split for
                        processing if they exceed this size

remme block

The remme block subcommands display information about the blocks in the current blockchain.

usage: remme block [-h] {list,show} ...

Provides subcommands to display information about the blocks in the current

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

    list       Displays information for all blocks on the current blockchain
    show       Displays information about the specified block on the current

remme block list

The remme block list subcommand queries the remme REST API (default: http://localhost:8008) for a list of blocks in the current chain. Using the --count option, the number of blocks returned can be configured. It returns the id and number of each block, the public key of each signer, and the number of transactions and batches in each.

By default, this information is displayed as a white-space delimited table intended for display, but other plain-text formats (CSV, JSON, and YAML) are available and can be piped into a file for further processing.

usage: remme block list [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]]
                           [-F {csv,json,yaml,default}] [-n COUNT]

Displays information for all blocks on the current blockchain, including the block id and number, public keys all of allsigners, and number of transactions and batches.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -F {csv,json,yaml,default}, --format {csv,json,yaml,default}
                        choose the output format
  -n COUNT, --count COUNT
                        the number of blocks to list

remme block show

The remme block show subcommand queries the remme REST API for a specific block in the current blockchain. It returns complete information for this block in either YAML (default) or JSON format. Using the --key option, it is possible to narrow the returned information to just the value of a single key, either from the block, or its header.

This subcommand requires the URL of the REST API (default: http://localhost:8008), and can specify a username:password combination when the REST API is behind a Basic Auth proxy.

usage: remme block show [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]] [-k KEY]
                           [-F {yaml,json}]

Displays information about the specified block on the current blockchain.

positional arguments:
  block_id              id (header_signature) of the block

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -k KEY, --key KEY     show a single property from the block or header
  -F {yaml,json}, --format {yaml,json}
                        choose the output format (default: yaml)

remme identity

remme supports an identity system that provides an extensible role- and policy-based system for defining permissions in a way which can be used by other pieces of the architecture. This includes the existing permissioning components for transactor key and validator key; in the future, this feature may also be used by transaction family implementations. The remme identity subcommands can be used to view the current roles and policy set in state, create new roles, and new policies.

Note that only the public keys stored in the setting remme.identity.allowed_keys are allowed to submit identity transactions. Use the sawset commands to change this setting.

usage: remme identity [-h] {policy,role} ...

Provides subcommands to work with roles and policies.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit

    policy       Provides subcommands to display existing policies and create
                 new policies
    role         Provides subcommands to display existing roles and create new

remme identity policy

The remme identity policy subcommands are used to display the current policies stored in state and to create new policies.

usage: remme identity policy [-h] {create,list} ...

Provides subcommands to list the current policies stored in state and to
create new policies.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit

    create       Creates batches of remme-identity transactions for setting
                 a policy
    list         Lists the current policies

remme identity policy create

The remme identity policy create subcommand creates a new policy that can then be set to a role. The policy should contain at least one “rule” (PERMIT_KEY or DENY_KEY). Note that all policies have an assumed last rule to deny all. This subcommand can also be used to change the policy that is already set to a role without having to also reset the role.

usage: remme identity policy create [-h] [-k KEY] [-o OUTPUT | --url URL]
                                       [--wait WAIT]
                                       name rule [rule ...]

Creates a policy that can be set to a role or changes a policy without
resetting the role.

positional arguments:
  name                  name of the new policy
  rule                  rule with the format "PERMIT_KEY <key>" or "DENY_KEY
                        <key> (multiple "rule" arguments can be specified)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KEY, --key KEY     specify the signing key for the resulting batches
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        specify the output filename for the resulting batches
  --url URL             identify the URL of a validator's REST API
  --wait WAIT           set time, in seconds, to wait for the policy to commit
                        when submitting to the REST API.

remme identity policy list

The remme identity policy list subcommand lists the policies that are currently set in state. This list can be used to figure out which policy name should be set for a new role.

usage: remme identity policy list [-h] [--url URL]
                                     [--format {default,csv,json,yaml}]

Lists the policies that are currently set in state.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of a validator's REST API
  --format {default,csv,json,yaml}
                        choose the output format

remme identity role

The remme identity role subcommands are used to list the current roles stored in state and to create new roles.

usage: remme identity role [-h] {create,list} ...

Provides subcommands to list the current roles stored in state and to create
new roles.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit

    create       Creates a new role that can be used to enforce permissions
    list         Lists the current keys and values of roles

remme identity role create

The remme identity role create subcommand creates a new role that can be used to enforce permissions. The policy argument identifies the policy that the role is restricted to. This policy must already exist and be stored in state. Use remme identity policy list to display the existing policies. The role name should reference an action that can be taken on the network. For example, the role named transactor.transaction_signer controls who is allowed to sign transactions.

usage: remme identity role create [-h] [-k KEY] [--wait WAIT]
                                     [-o OUTPUT | --url URL]
                                     name policy

Creates a new role that can be used to enforce permissions.

positional arguments:
  name                  name of the role
  policy                identify policy that role will be restricted to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KEY, --key KEY     specify the signing key for the resulting batches
  --wait WAIT           set time, in seconds, to wait for a role to commit
                        when submitting to the REST API.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        specify the output filename for the resulting batches
  --url URL             the URL of a validator's REST API

remme identity role list

The remme identity role list subcommand displays the roles that are currently set in state. This list can be used to determine which permissions are being enforced on the network. The output includes which policy the roles are set to.

By default, this information is displayed as a white-space delimited table intended for display, but other plain-text formats (CSV, JSON, and YAML) are available and can be piped into a file for further processing.

usage: remme identity role list [-h] [--url URL]
                                   [--format {default,csv,json,yaml}]

Displays the roles that are currently set in state.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of a validator's REST API
  --format {default,csv,json,yaml}
                        choose the output format

remme keygen

The remme keygen subcommand generates a private key file and a public key file so that users can sign remme transactions and batches. These files are stored in the <key-dir> directory in <key_name>.priv and <key_dir>/<key_name>.pub. By default, <key_dir> is ~/.remme and <key_name> is $USER.

usage: remme keygen [-h] [-v] [-V] [--key-dir KEY_DIR] [--force] [-q]

Generates keys with which the user can sign transactions and batches.

positional arguments:
  key_name           specify the name of the key to create

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose      enable more verbose output
  -V, --version      display version information
  --key-dir KEY_DIR  specify the directory for the key files
  --force            overwrite files if they exist
  -q, --quiet        do not display output

The private and public key files are stored in <key-dir>/<key-name>.priv and
<key-dir>/<key-name>.pub. <key-dir> defaults to ~/.sawtooth and <key-name>
defaults to $USER.

remme peer

The remme peer subcommand displays the addresses of a specified validator’s peers.

usage: remme peer [-h] {list} ...

Provides a subcommand to list a validator's peers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


remme peer list

The remme peer list subcommand displays the addresses of a specified validator’s peers.

This subcommand requires the URL of the REST API (default: http://localhost:8008), and can specify a username:password combination when the REST API is behind a Basic Auth proxy.

usage: remme peer list [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]]
                          [-F {csv,json,yaml,default}]

Displays the addresses of the validators with which a specified validator is

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -F {csv,json,yaml,default}, --format {csv,json,yaml,default}
                        choose the output format

remme settings

The remme settings subcommand displays the values of currently active on-chain settings.

usage: remme settings [-h] {list} ...

Displays the values of currently active on-chain settings.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

    list      Lists the current keys and values of on-chain settings

remme settings list

The remme settings list subcommand displays the current keys and values of on-chain settings.

usage: remme settings list [-h] [--url URL] [--filter FILTER]
                              [--format {default,csv,json,yaml}]

List the current keys and values of on-chain settings. The content can be
exported to various formats for external consumption.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of a validator's REST API
  --filter FILTER       filters keys that begin with this value
  --format {default,csv,json,yaml}
                        choose the output format

remme state

The remme state subcommands display information about the entries in the current blockchain state.

usage: remme state [-h] {list,show} ...

Provides subcommands to display information about the state entries in the
current blockchain state.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit


remme state list

The remme state list subcommand queries the remme REST API for a list of all state entries in the current blockchain state. This subcommand returns the address of each entry, its size in bytes, and the byte-encoded data it contains. It also returns the head block for which this data is valid.

To control the state that is returned, use the subtree argument to specify an address prefix as a filter or a block id to use as the chain head.

By default, this information is displayed as a white-space delimited table intended for display, but other plain-text formats (CSV, JSON, and YAML) are available and can be piped into a file for further processing.

This subcommand requires the URL of the REST API (default: http://localhost:8008), and can specify a username:password combination when the REST API is behind a Basic Auth proxy.

usage: remme state list [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]]
                           [-F {csv,json,yaml,default}] [--head HEAD]

Lists all state entries in the current blockchain.

positional arguments:
  subtree               address of a subtree to filter the list by

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -F {csv,json,yaml,default}, --format {csv,json,yaml,default}
                        choose the output format
  --head HEAD           specify the id of the block to set as the chain head

remme state show

The remme state show subcommand queries the remme REST API for a specific state entry (address) in the current blockchain state. It returns the data stored at this state address and the id of the chain head for which this data is valid. This data is byte-encoded per the logic of the transaction family that created it, and must be decoded using that same logic.

This subcommand requires the URL of the REST API (default: http://localhost:8008), and can specify a username:password combination when the REST API is behind a Basic Auth proxy.

By default, the peers are displayed as a CSV string, but other plain-text formats (JSON, and YAML) are available and can be piped into a file for further processing.

usage: remme state show [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]]
                           [--head HEAD]

Displays information for the specified state address in the current blockchain.

positional arguments:
  address               address of the leaf

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  --head HEAD           specify the id of the block to set as the chain head

remme status

The remme status subcommands display information related to a validator’s status.

usage: remme status [-h] {show} ...

Provides a subcommand to show a validator's status

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


remme status show

The remme status subcommand displays information related to a validator’s current status, including its public network endpoint and its peers.

This subcommand requires the URL of the REST API (default: http://localhost:8008), and can specify a username:password combination when the REST API is behind a Basic Auth proxy.

usage: remme status show [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]]
                            [-F {csv,json,yaml,default}]

Displays information about the status of a validator.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -F {csv,json,yaml,default}, --format {csv,json,yaml,default}
                        choose the output format

remme transaction

The remme transaction subcommands display information about the transactions in the current blockchain.

usage: remme transaction [-h] {list,show} ...

Provides subcommands to display information about the transactions in the
current blockchain.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit


remme transaction list

The remme transaction list subcommand queries the remme REST API (default: http://localhost:8008) for a list of transactions in the current blockchain. It returns the id of each transaction, its family and version, the size of its payload, and the data in the payload itself.

By default, this information is displayed as a white-space delimited table intended for display, but other plain-text formats (CSV, JSON, and YAML) are available and can be piped into a file for further processing.

usage: remme transaction list [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]]
                                 [-F {csv,json,yaml,default}]

Lists all transactions in the current blockchain.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -F {csv,json,yaml,default}, --format {csv,json,yaml,default}
                        choose the output format

remme transaction show

The remme transaction show subcommand queries the remme REST API for a specific transaction in the current blockchain. It returns complete information for this transaction in either YAML (default) or JSON format. Use the --key option to narrow the returned information to just the value of a single key, either from the transaction or its header.

This subcommand requires the URL of the REST API (default: http://localhost:8008), and can specify a username:password combination when the REST API is behind a Basic Auth proxy.

usage: remme transaction show [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME[:PASSWORD]]
                                 [-k KEY] [-F {yaml,json}]

Displays information for the specified transaction.

positional arguments:
  transaction_id        id (header_signature) of the transaction

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             identify the URL of the validator's REST API (default:
                        specify the user to authorize request
  -k KEY, --key KEY     show a single property from the block or header
  -F {yaml,json}, --format {yaml,json}
                        choose the output format (default: yaml)